Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do I do in an emergency?

If an emergency arises during normal working hours, please always call the Estate Manager immediately. He will arrange for an engineer or contractor to attend. If he is not available or it is out of hours, please phone or email him with details of the emergency so that he can follow up.

Anthony Platt deals with our emergency out-of-hours callouts. Please note this is only for genuine emergencies: i.e. GAS, ELECTRIC or NON-MAINS COLD-WATER ISSUES where somebody or property maybe at risk. If Anthony is unsure whether the request is covered by an emergency callout, he will contact the Estate Manager first before attending. If it turns out you are responsible, you will be charged the costs of the callout.

For any HEATING or  HOT WATER issues (in Hot-Water Flats 2, 62, 64–165 only) during the weekend or out of hours on weekdays, please contact Leo McGinn. Please do not contact him direct during working hours as he will simply refer you to the Estate Office.

If you have made an emergency callout, please inform the Estate Manager by email or leave a message on the Estate Office telephone (020 7794 0778). 

Neal Fennelly – Estate Manager (Emergencies Only): 07725 106 187

Anthony Platt – Emergency Maintenance Contractor: 07974 191 955

Leo McGinn – Hot Water (or Central Heating) as above: 07931 231 126

2. I’ve just moved in – what do I need to do?

Please introduce yourself to the Estate Manager as soon as possible after you have purchased your flat. Please make sure that the Estate Office has all your contact information, including mobile numbers and email addresses for ALL adult residents, so that you can be reached if necessary and kept informed of estate events and issues. Most estate communications are sent by MailChimp, so up-to-date email addresses are essential.

If you are a leaseholder, for your own benefit and security, please check that your solicitor has completed the following upon purchase: 

  • Executed a Deed of Covenant
  • Produced a Notice of Transfer for the Company Solicitor,
  • Applied for a new Share Certificate, enclosing the old one and a stamped stock transfer form.

If the previous owner has lost their share certificate, another can be issued – please contact the Estate Manager.

3. How does Cholmley Gardens work?

The Estate Office is located at 118a Cholmley Gardens, Fortune Green Road, NW6 1AA (opposite the little green) and there is a letterbox for the Estate Manager and the Finance Department by the back door. Follow the path beside the boiler house to reach the back door.

The day to day running of the Estate is carried out by the Estate Manager, Neal Fennelly. Any maintenance problem should be first reported to him to investigate. 

The estate is kept clean and your rubbish is removed by our Caretaker, who is a permanent member of the ChGL staff. His name is John Cunningham and he is managed by the Estate Manager. He is assisted by Tim Mays on Mondays and Thursdays.

Please do not ask either of them to carry out any duties for you without consulting with the Estate Manager in advance.

Alessio Musto is in charge of the Financial Department and is inhouse on Wednesdays and Fridays as a general rule. He sends out the invoices for the Ground Rent and Service Charges and maintains the master register of ChG residents. He can be reached

There is a Board of up to 10 Directors, all of whom are leaseholders in ChGL. The Board meets once a month, except in August. The Operations Committee (OPs) consists of 3 directors who liaise with the Estate Manager on the general running of the estate.

4. How does the rubbish collection work?

All residents should have a plastic or rubber dustbin with the lid secured to the bin handle outside your back door (except Flats 123, 125, 134, 136 and 138). It is your responsibility to supply this.
Metal bins are not allowed as they corrode the metalwork on the rear staircases. Waste will be collected from your back door daily Monday to Friday.
Please see the Handbook for details of how to obtain a green food waste caddy from LB Camden.

  • Clear plastic bags are supplied by ChGL for the removal of recyclable household materials. 
  • White bags are supplied by ChGL for the disposal of other household waste that cannot be recycled at present.
  • Compostable food waste bags You must supply these for the removal of food and organic waste (in accordance with LB Camden requirements)

Please see that the appropriate bag is used, that they are securely fastened and placed in the bin outside your back door. 

If you bring waste down to the bins yourself, please put it IN the correct bin (not on the ground alongside it!): recyclables in the black bins with lids; compostable waste in the brown bin; everything else in the open-topped, square, steel bins. Please note that polystyrene must go in the steel bins – Camden does not recycle it at present.

5. When does the central heating come on?

The lease requires ChGL to supply central heating to eligible flats between 1 October and 30 April. These are the Hot-Water Flats: Nos 2, 62–63 and 65–165 only. Because the new boiler system is more flexible, ChGL is investigating the possibility of supplying central heating beyond these dates, but this will always be in relation to the outside temperature and not the temperature within any given flat.

6. I have spotted a problem – how do I report it?

Please do not instruct ChGL contractors directly about estate maintenance. Send an email to the Estate Manager with a request for a repair or a note of work that needs to be carried out. 

If you contact a ChGL contractor directly and instruct them to do work, the cost of that work may be charged to yourselves.

If there is a problem with a radiator (Hot-Water Flats: 2, 62–63 and 65–165 only), remember that all radiators and pipework connected to the central heating in hot-water flats are the property of ChGL. Problems relating to these radiators should be reported by email to the Estate Manager.

7. When can people do work in my flat?

Private contractors are permitted to work on the estate from 8:30 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Work is not permitted on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Please note that private contractors may only leave their vehicles in the gardens for a maximum of 20 minutes while loading and unloading supplies. Permission for this is required in advance from the Estate Manager and an official ChGL permit must be displayed. 

DIY is permitted from 8:30 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon on Saturday mornings. Please note that no noisy work is permitted on Saturday mornings. DIY is NOT permitted on Saturday afternoons, Sundays or Bank Holidays.

8. I want to change something in my flat

You MUST apply for and obtain a Licence from ChGL (the Landlord) prior to starting work on site if you wish to:

  • Change the layout of your flat;
  • Change the use of a room (e.g. create a new bathroom from a toilet and an airing cupboard, create an en-suite bathroom in a bedroom, change a kitchen into a living room or bedroom, or locate an open plan kitchen in a reception room);
  • Remove or create an opening in any wall (internal or external);
  • Make any changes/additions to central heating pipes/radiators or hot water pipes (HW flats only);
  • Do any work that will alter the outside of the building.

Please be aware that the Landlord can reasonably refuse consent if the proposed alterations are unacceptable.

You are also required to inform the Estate Manager in advance if you wish to do any of the following in your flat, but these do not require a Licence to Alter:

  • Move or replace a radiator in a hot-water flat (because they are the property of ChGL)
  • Replace windows, balcony doors or back door
  • Install wooden floors instead of carpets
  • Remove or re-install a fireplace
  • Refurbish a kitchen
  • Refurbish or extend a bathroom, shower-room or lavatory
  • Rewire your flat
  • Replace your front door
  • Add a structure to your private garden or install an outside tap

Please be aware that the Landlord can reasonably refuse consent if the proposed alterations are unacceptable.

The Normal Conditions for Approval of Lessee’s Work document can be downloaded from the Cholmley Gardens website.

The Application Form for a Licence to Alter form can be downloaded from the Cholmley Gardens website – this lays out all of the conditions ChGL requires.

The First Schedule of the Lease states:
11 (WAS 23). The Lessee shall ensure the floors of the demised premises are covered in accordance with the Lessor’s Regulations on approved floor coverings published from time to time. The Lessor reserves the right to require a Lessee to update their flooring to match the current Regulations.
    Lessor = ChGL    Lessee = Flat owner

Please see the Floors Policy, available to download from the Cholmley Gardens website. Residents should apply to the Estate Manager for permission to install wooden floors and approval is dependent on the specification meeting modern standards of acoustic sound insulation from both airborne, surface and impact noise. A suitable system might be: a multi-layered system of plywood base boards; plus an acoustic underlay, such as Acoustilay 15; plus tongue and groove boards.

All window frames, balcony doors and back doors belong to ChGL. Please note that Cholmley Gardens lies within a conservation area, and so planning permission must be obtained from LB Camden before any window, balcony door or back door can be replaced, either facing the public road or the gardens. 

Leaseholders are required to comply with the ChGL Windows and Doors Policy (which can be downloaded from the Cholmley Gardens website) if replacing windows or back/balcony doors. They should apply for consent from the Estate Manager who can refer the resident to our preferred suppliers. ChGL has absolute discretion as to whether or not to give such consent. This is so that the overall appearance of the estate may be maintained.

The front door to each flat is the property of the leaseholder, not ChGL, and it is therefore the responsibility of the leaseholder to maintain it. 

The current Building Regulations require the doorset (i.e. the front door and its frame), which separates a flat from a space in common use (i.e. the common parts staircase) to be at least FD30S, meaning that it gives fire resistance of not less than 30 minutes (FD30) and the same resistance to the passage of smoke at ambient temperature conditions (S). 

Any leaseholder who wishes to change or alter their front door should obtain Buildings Regulations approval and inform the Estate Manager in writing in advance. 

9. What can go in the cupboard under our staircase?

Under-stairs cupboards can only be used for the storage of wheelchairs, prams, pushchairs and children’s scooters. This is at the sole and absolute discretion of the Estate Manager and may not be used until written permission has been received. They may not be used for the storage of bikes or any other items.

If you wish to store any of the above in the under-stairs cupboard of your block, please email the Estate Manager. Once the item is no longer in use, please remove it.

10. How do we get the use of a shed / underblock cupboard (UBC)?

These are the property of ChGL and do not form part of the domain of any flat. There are only 149 sheds/UBCs and 163 flats, so one may not be available at once.

To apply for a space, please complete the Shed/Underblock Cupboard Application Form from the Cholmley Gardens website and return it to the Estate Office by email or to the office letterbox (see above) – telephone requests will not be accepted. At times there may be a waiting list in which case your name will be added when we receive your form.

11. Are we allowed to have a pet?

The First Schedule of the Lease states:
13 (WAS 7). No dog cat bird or other animal shall be kept in any flat without the consent of the Lessor or its appointed agent by means of a formal Licence revocable at any time.

You must obtain a formal revocable licence from the Estate Manager before the animal is brought on to the estate. To apply for a Pet Licence, please complete the Pet Licence Application Form from the Cholmley Gardens website and return it to the Estate Office by email or to the office letterbox (see above) – telephone requests will not be accepted.

Dogs are NOT allowed in the gardens, although it is permissible to walk them along the perimeter road to and from a car or one of the gates leading out of the Estate, as long as the dog is on a lead. Any fouling by the dog must immediately be cleaned up by the resident. Any negligence by the owner or incident of aggressive behaviour by the dog will be considered grounds to have the licence revoked.

Cat owners must ensure that their cats use indoor cat litter trays and are not set loose in the gardens to cause a hazard to children or kill our wildlife.

12. How can we rent a garage?

There are 30 garages on the estate, although some are used for bikes, motor bikes and storage by ChGL and its contractors. The rent is £625 per quarter, payable in advance. Garages vary in size – you will be advised of the dimensions when you are offered one.

To apply for a space, please complete the Garage Application Form from the Cholmley Gardens website and return it to the Estate Office by email or to the office letterbox (see above) – telephone requests will not be accepted. At times there may be a waiting list in which case your name will be added when we receive your form. 

Please bear in mind that the garages are not storage facilities and may only be used to house a car. Tenants may not drill holes into the garage walls or alter them in any way. 

13. Where can we store our bike/s?

There is a locked bike shed on the estate next to garage No. 12 on the Mill Lane side and further spaces in Garage 14. The rent is £55, payable on 26 March each year. Keys cost £5 and are only issued to residents who have rented a space. 

To apply for a space, please complete the Bike Shed Space Application Form from the Cholmley Gardens website and return it to the Estate Office by email or to the office letterbox (see above) – telephone requests will not be accepted. At times there may be a waiting list in which case your name will be added when we receive your form.

There is a children’s bike shed next to the Mill Lane gate (between blocks 158–165 and 1–6) where bikes with wheels with a diameter of up to 20 inches can be parked for free. If your child has outgrown his/her bike, please dispose of it – do not abandon it in this bike shed!

Bikes may not be stored in the understairs cupboard in your block or in any communal area in the gardens, including the blind wells and outside your back door.

14. How do we join the Tennis Club?

The tennis courts are kept locked and are only accessible to members of the Tennis Club. To join, please download the Tennis Club Application Form from the Cholmley Gardens website and return it to the Estate Office. When the Estate Manager has received your signed copy of the rules, plus a bank transfer or cheque for £20, payable to ChGL, you will be supplied with a key.

Play is permitted from 8:00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. You can book your court via the Cholmley Gardens website here

Please lock the gate/s as you leave, unless the next player has arrived. 

Please do not let your children ride their bicycles or use their scooters on the courts or play football – they are solely for tennis.

15. How do we book the BBQ area?

BBQ-A is the left-hand fireplace (which includes the pizza oven) next to the playground; BBQ–B is the right-hand fireplace, next to the little lawn near the gardeners' shed & greenhouse. BBQs can be booked up to 60 days in advance here. Booking for the next available day will open at 21:00. 


  • Booking times are now from 11.00–14.00 (Lunch), 14.00–17.00 (Tea), 17.00–20.00 (Dinner)
  • You can book BBQ-A (left-hand fireplace which includes the pizza oven), OR BBQ–B (right-hand fireplace), BUT....
  • You can ONLY book 2 sessions per day, so you could book the Lunch sessions for BBQ-A and BBQ-B, or you could book the Lunch and Tea sessions for BBQ-A or BBQ–B respectively. 
  • You can make up to 4 bookings over a 60-day period.
  • The pizza oven cannot be booked separately from BBQ-A.

Bookers will be held responsible for ensuring that their barbecue is run in a safe and sensible manner, hot embers are disposed of properly, and the area is prepared for the next booking.

16. How can I join the (private) ChGL Facebook page?

Send an email to Anna Mazzone at:
and the administrator will issue an invitation to join. This Facebook page states:

This Closed Group is designed to enable residents of Cholmley Gardens to share their stories, requests for services from their neighbours, and other ideas that the group determines are suitable for our community. This group is not endorsed by or recognised by the Company.

Please note that the Estate Manager does NOT have access to posts on the ChG Facebook page.

17. Can I sub-let my flat?

The leases under which we all hold our flats include an absolute prohibition of sub-letting. However, recognising that there are circumstances where an owner-occupier may need to live elsewhere for a period of time, the Board is willing to consider the grant of permission to sub-let where it is satisfied, in its sole and absolute discretion, that certain conditions are met. These conditions are laid out in the ChGL Sub-letting Policy, available to download from the Cholmley Gardens website.

If you wish to sub-let your flat, you should email the Estate Manager giving your reasons for wishing to sub-let and the period for which you are requesting permission. The Board will then consider your request and make a decision as to whether it should be granted. 

Under the government’s Rent a Room Scheme you are allowed to let out furnished accommodation in your home while you are in residence. ChGL requires you to inform the Estate Office of the name and contact details (see 2 above) of each of your lodgers and the date when they move out. They must conform to the rules of ChG, just like every other resident.

18. We are moving out – what do we need to do?

You cannot park in the grounds to load. Please apply to LB Camden for a parking bay suspension for which you will be charged. Book at least 17 days in advance if you want to avoid a much higher fee! All details from: and then search for “parking bay suspensions”.

Your garage tenancy agreement requires you to give one month’s Notice. Please ensure your garage is completely empty and return all keys, remote opener for the garage if one is installed and the remote for the main gate to the Estate Office on the last day of the contract.

Empty your shed/UBC if you have one and leave it unlocked. Please confirm to the Estate Office that you have done so, the day before you move out.

Return your Tennis Club key to the Estate Office the day before you move out. Once the website booking is up and running, your purchasers will not be able to access the courts without joining the Tennis Club (see above).

You should also inform your electricity / gas supplier(s), Thames Water, LB Camden and the TV Licencing Authority that you are moving, and possibly arrange with the Royal Mail to forward your post to your new address.

19. Is there a defibrillator on site?


Location of the Defibrillator

The defibrillator has been installed on the wall between the bin store opening and the boiler house door at the bottom end of the estate next to the Mill Lane main gate

Accessing the Defibrillator

The defibrillator is inside a locked cabinet that requires a combination to get into it, this can be done by calling 999 where Cholmley Gardens defibrillator is registered.

The operator will issue the caller with the code if the defibrillator is required. 

Instructions for use of the Defibrillator

The Defibrillator comes with built-in verbal instructions as well as written instructions. 

Inside the cabinet you will also find aids for administering CPR. 

More information on the use of defibrillators can be found below.

Please feel free to contact the Estate Office if you need any further information. 

4. How does the rubbish collection work?

All residents should have a plastic or rubber dustbin with the lid secured to the bin handle outside your back door (except Flats 123, 125, 134, 136 and 138). It is your responsibility to supply this.
Metal bins are not allowed as they corrode the metalwork on the rear staircases. Waste will be collected from your back door daily Monday to Friday.
Please see the Handbook for details of how to obtain a green food waste caddy from LB Camden.

  • Clear plastic bags are supplied by ChGL for the removal of recyclable household materials. 
  • White bags are supplied by ChGL for the disposal of other household waste that cannot be recycled at present.
  • Compostable food waste bags You must supply these for the removal of food and organic waste (in accordance with LB Camden requirements)

Please see that the appropriate bag is used, that they are securely fastened and placed in the bin outside your back door. 

If you bring waste down to the bins yourself, please put it IN the correct bin (not on the ground alongside it!): recyclables in the black bins with lids; compostable waste in the brown bin; everything else in the open-topped, square, steel bins. Please note that polystyrene must go in the steel bins – Camden does not recycle it at present.