Local Resources

This page displays a list of nearby recources that are local to Cholmley Gardens


There are several chemists in West Hampstead, and these will display the rota of late-night and Sunday/Bank Holiday openings.

Central Pharmacy, 225 West End Lane 020 7794 9326
Dales Pharmacy, 463 Finchley Road 020 7435 4813
Ramco Dispensing Chemist, 270 West End Lane 020 7794 3783
Aqua Pharmacy, 59 Mill Lane 020 7435 4723
HV Thomas, 81 Mill Lane 020 7435 1000
Sainsbury, 241–79 Finchley Road 020 7433 1493

Emergency Out of Hours: To find out which local chemists have out-of-hours services, consult the NHS online at: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/prescriptions-and-pharmacies/pharmacies/out-of-hours-medicines/

Alternatively, you can ring NHS Advice by phoning the 111 service.


West Hampstead is in the London Borough of Camden. Cholmley Gardens is within the Fortune Green Ward, and is represented by one Lib Dem and two Labour councillors. These are currently:

Nancy Jirira (Lib Dem): 07980 650101 nw6libdems@gmail.com
Richard Olszwewski (Lab): 020 7974 1411 richard.olszewski@camden.gov.uk
Lorna Greenwood (Lab): 020 7974 1411 lorna.greenwood@camden.gov.uk

For information regarding LB Camden’s services and responsibilities, contact:

London Borough of Camden, Town Hall, 5 Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG
Tel: 020 7974 4444
Website: www.camden.gov.uk
Email: info@camden.gov.uk




Banks and ATMs

There are no longer any bank branches in West Hampstead, the nearest ones are on Finchley Road, Kilburn High Road or in Hampstead.

There are ATMs outside Sainsbury's Local on West End Lane and outside the Tesco Expresses on Fortune Green Road and West End Lane.

There is also one on the West Hampstead Thames link forecourt, one outside  HV Thomas Pharmacy on Mill Lane and one outside Anne’s Community Shop, also Mill Lane, incorporating a post office.


Below is the current list of local dentists from Camden & Islington Health Authority.

White Rose Dental Studio
92 West End Lane, NW6 2LU                                        020 7372 7800

Perfect Smile Dental Practice
179-181 West End Lane, NW6 2LH                               020 3384 4777

Robert Kane Dental Surgery
326 West End Lane, NW6 1LN                                      020 7794 6252

Farache Dental Surgery
64 Mill Lane, NW6 1NJ                                                 020 7794 2788

Fortune Green Dental Surgery
106 Fortune Green Road, NW6 1DS                               020 7435 9258

Malmin Orthodontics
300 Finchley Road, NW3 7AG                                       020 7431 7542


Below is the current list of local doctors from NHS Services.

Cholmley Gardens Surgery
1 Cholmley Gardens, Mill Lane, NW6 1AE                    020 7794 6256

Fortune Green Road Surgery
80 Fortune Green Road, NW6 1DS                                 020 3435 5602

West Hampstead Medical Centre
9 Solent Road, NW6 1TP                                               020 7431 1588

Health Services

A comprehensive guide to health and social care services available to West Hampstead residents can be found on the LB Camden website on the following web-page:



The local public library is located on the corner of West End Lane and Dennington Park Road.


LB Camden has three controlled parking zones in West Hampstead. Cholmley Gardens falls in Zone CA-P; there are some sub-zones within Zone CA–P with differing controlled hours.

  • Fortune Green Road and Mill Lane have controls from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m., Monday to Friday;
  • Hillfield Road and Aldred Road are controlled from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Parking is free everywhere on Sundays and Bank Holidays, except on double-yellow lines.

LB Camden parking permits are only available to residents, while a limited supply of visitors’ parking permits may also be purchased.

Full details of the arrangements can be found at the following link on the LB Camden website: http://tinyurl.com/y87m6ghv

If you are registered disabled and have a blue or green badge, you do not have to pay for a permit. Doctors and health visitors registered with LB Camden have their own permits, which allow them to park in residents’ parking bays.

Public Transport


  • Jubilee line halts at West Hampstead station on West End Lane.
  • Metropolitan line halts one stop away at Finchley Road.


  • Thameslink: there are station entrances on West End Lane and Iverson Road –it serves both Gatwick and Luton Airports and has a fast link to St Pancras International;
  • London Overground (North London Line): the station on West End Lane has direct links to Hampstead Heath for the Royal Free Hospital, Stratford, Westfield Shopping Centre Shepherd’s Bush, Richmond, Olympia and Clapham Junction.

Buses: There are three bus routes to choose from in West End Lane:

  • the 139 comes from Waterloo and runs up Fortune Green Road to Golders Green. It runs all night;
  • the 328 comes from Chelsea, World’s End, and also runs up Fortune Green Road to Golders Green;
  • the C11 comes from Archway and runs along Mill Lane to Brent Cross.

There are two bus routes to choose from on Finchley Road:

  • The 13 from Victoria to North Finchley which also runs all night.
  • The 113 from Oxford Circus to Edgware.


The closest supermarkets are:

  • Little Waitrose, West End Lane
  • Sainsbury’s Local, West End Lane
  • Tesco Express, Fortune Green Road and West End Lane
  • Marks & Spencer (food only): West Hampstead Square (opposite tube station)

There are several local 24-hour convenience shops.

Larger supermarkets are located at:

  • Tesco, near Brent Cross
  • Sainsbury’s, O2 Centre, Finchley Road
  • Waitrose, Finchley Road and Brent Cross
  • Marks & Spencer (food only): Finchley Road and Kilburn High Street
    and a full store at Brent Cross

Brent Cross shopping centre is accessible by road or C11 bus. The 113 stops fairly close to the site.

Friends of West Hampstead Library (FoWHL)

(FoWHL) was instrumental in keeping the library open during Camden Council budget cuts, and supports the material renovation and improvement of our library as a community resource, including special projects for children. FoWHL holds dozens of events at the library and online, featuring an array of authors, actors, journalists and musicians.



Friends of Fortune Green (FoFG)

(FoFG), in conjunction with Camden Parks and Open  Spaces, was set up in 2007 to preserve, protect and improve our local open space, Fortune Green. In recognition of the improvement works the Friends achieved and in celebration of HM The Queen's Diamond Jubilee 2012, Fortune Green is now safeguarded as a public recreational space in perpetuity through the charity, Fields in Trust. FoFG run regular sessions to maintain the planting, and a programme of varied events, including outdoor film screenings on the Green in summer.

Website: http://www.fortunegreen.org.uk/   
Email: fortunegreen@gmail.com

Food Bank Aid

Food Bank Aid was set up in April 2020 to help independent food banks in North London cope with up to 10 times the usual demand on their services, as a result of the Covid crisis. We collect, sort and deliver much needed food & household goods for 18 North London food banks, supporting over 12,000 people per week. We currently have 50 drop off points for donations across North London - if you wish to donate there is a box on the drive of 1 Aldred Road which is regularly checked. Or you can send an online order direct to our central sorting hub in North Finchley.

Website: www.justgiving.com/foodbankaid
Email: info@foodbankaid.org.uk

The Community Association for West Hampstead (CAWH)

(CAWH) is an independent Charity that aims to improve the life, health, and social wellbeing of the whole community in West Hampstead, particularly children, young people and older people at risk of isolation. At the community centre at 17 Dornfell Street, CAWH hosts a range of activities and class, including Keep Fit classes, Art, Yoga, the Film Club and much more for the local community. 

Website: https://www.cawh.org.uk
Email:  administrator@cawh.org.uk

West Hampstead Farmers’ Market

Every Saturday, from 10.00am to 2.00pm, the forecourt outside West Hampstead Thameslink station hosts the West Hampstead Farmers' Market. This vibrant outdoor market brings you fresh Essex coast fish, free range and organic meat and poultry and dairy and coffee from Brinkworth Dairy. In season it has fresh game, Pippins Orchard Essex apples, asparagus and cherries. Look out for regulars Perry Court Farm and Eden Farm veg, Wild Country organics seasonal veg and leaves, Brambletye biodynamic juice, fruit, veg, eggs and more and Millets Farm juice. There's hot food for breakfast and lunch, seasonal herbs and flowers and very friendly, knowledgeable stall holders.

Website: https://www.lfm.org.uk/markets/westhampstead/

The Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Development Forum (NDF)

(NDF) is a resident-led voluntary organisation which was set up by amenity groups, residents' associations and individuals to give local people a stronger voice in the development of the West Hampstead area.

The NDF holds regular public meetings and engages with local people through a variety of events including the annual Jester Festival.

The NDF created the Neighbourhood Development Plan for West Hampstead, which was approved by a local referendum and was formally adopted by Camden Council in 2015.

The NDF’s current priorities include the future of the O2 centre, the redevelopment of 156 West End Lane, the site of the former Camden Council offices, and a campaign to get a lift at West Hampstead tube station.

The NDF works closely with WHAT below

Website: http://www.ndpwesthampstead.org.uk
Email: info@ndpwesthampstead.org.uk – message to be added to the mailing list.

WHAT West Hampstead Amenities and Transport

WHAT began in 1973 as a single-issue protest against traffic in and around West Hampstead. But we soon realised ‘traffic’ includes everything: buses, tubes, trains, cars, walking, cycling, road safety, pollution; housing, shops, schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists, pubs, leisure, parks, sport.

Today our aim is still to make West Hampstead a better, safer and more pleasant place for everyone. We’ll act to improve whatever needs attention locally – from trees to Tesco, planning to parking, benches to bins, recycling to rentals.

WHAT lobbies relevant organisations – especially Camden Council – to improve local services. We pursue the bus, train and Tube companies, plus TfL and the GLA, for better public transport. Our voice has become well respected over the years.

WHAT works closely with the NDF above

Website: http://www.whatnw6.com

The Jester Festival

Normally held over the first weekend in July on Fortune Green this West Hampstead institution has been in existence for 50 years and is definitely not to be missed. Featuring stalls covering arts and crafts, fashion, jewellery, books cards, food and drink, plants and flowers, community organisations and local businesses. There are also many children’s activities

A Tour of West Hampstead

Although this video was taken in 2017 much remains the same
