WHAT began in 1973 as a single-issue protest against traffic in and around West Hampstead. But we soon realised ‘traffic’ includes everything: buses, tubes, trains, cars, walking, cycling, road safety, pollution; housing, shops, schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists, pubs, leisure, parks, sport.
Today our aim is still to make West Hampstead a better, safer and more pleasant place for everyone. We’ll act to improve whatever needs attention locally – from trees to Tesco, planning to parking, benches to bins, recycling to rentals.
WHAT lobbies relevant organisations – especially Camden Council – to improve local services. We pursue the bus, train and Tube companies, plus TfL and the GLA, for better public transport. Our voice has become well respected over the years.
WHAT works closely with the NDF above
Website: http://www.whatnw6.com